Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey

Police charged with False Report (Felony)

Dear Sir,

I had a fight with my girl friend and police was called.

when police came I told police that she assulted me and I had clear cuts on my chest. Police however believed my girl friend and arrested me and put me in jail with a $2000 bond and charged me with Giving false information to police by accusing another person and simple assult.

Now I had prior restraining order and assult charges by the same girl friend however all of them were voluntirely withdrown by my girl friend.

This time also she is ready to withdrow the charges and ready to co-operate to every extent.

However the charges are State VS me and police charged me with all these charges.

Since my girl friend is ready to come to court and ready to do anything to withdrow this case, what are my best option to address this issues?

Thanks in Advance



Asked on 1/06/06, 10:37 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

Re: Police charged with False Report (Felony)

You seem to have proof that you were telling the truth. Medical records and photographs of the injury are important. You can give me a call. Just click on my web address below and call me after you obtain my telephone number from my website.

Gary Moore, Esquire

Hackensack, New Jersey

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Answered on 1/06/06, 12:33 pm
Ronald Aronds Law Office of Ronald Aronds, LLC

Re: Police charged with False Report (Felony)

From what you are telling me, it sounds like your girlfriend is willing to testify on your behalf should this case go to trial. Since the police brought the charges against you, she cannot withdraw them. However, she can either refuse to testify, or testify in your favor about how you did not assault her. This is a case that needs to be properly developed so it can be presented in such a ways as to eliminate the charges against you. I am an attorney who has handled many cases similar to yours in the past in various courts thoroughout New Jersey. Please call me to discuss your case in more detail. There is never any charge for simply talking to me about a case. Thank you.

Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-

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Answered on 1/06/06, 1:17 pm

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