Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey

PreTrial Intervention

Investigated for a 4th-degree crime. If charged, want to apply for PTI. I have heard that the ''propoganda'' for PTI is rosier than the actual deal.

I cannot find anything about PTI beyond the law, and the official statement.

The same is true for other states (I was hoping for comparison) except for Texas, where I found some sites attempting to ''fix'' their ''Deferred Adjudication'' law. The ''supervision'' is much more strict than ordinary probation; the required guilty plea becomes part of your record and cannot be expunged, and sentencing in the case of failing to complete the program allows ''violating probation'' to be considered as an aggrivating factor.

New Jersey, which does not require a guilty plea and does allow expungement, is not so bad, but just how bad is it?

What is typically required in supervision? What will my record look like (before expungement) compared to 1) if charges are dropped, 2) if I'm acquitted, or 3) if I plead or am found guilty? What will it look like after expungement in each case? Exactly who will have access to the ''real'' record? (The courts, law enforcement, the federal government, etc.) Is there anything else I should be aware of before I have to make the decision?

Asked on 4/18/03, 8:33 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

Re: PreTrial Intervention

I will be glad to explain pretrial intervention in New Jersey to you if you will call me at 800 273 7933. You can visit my website by clicking on

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Answered on 4/19/03, 1:15 pm

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