Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey

Search Warrant

Police broke down door at 6 30 pm, on 14th and never gave me copy of serch warrant, but said they had one. When I got copy after several weeks, warrant said permitted to enetr between 9pm and 2am only on 14th signed by Judge. IS this warrant illegal can i file motion to surpress all evidence and have case dimiissed. Gambling and other chrges. Let me know thank u all.

Asked on 1/04/07, 9:10 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Ronald Aronds Law Office of Ronald Aronds, LLC

Re: Search Warrant

I would have to see the warrant and police reports before I could give you a definite answer to your question, but in general based on what you wrote I would say that you have grounds for filing a motion to suppress the evidence. I am an attorney who has handled many cases similar to yours in various courts in New Jersey in the past. Please contact me to discuss your case in more detail. I never charge for simply discussing someone's case with them. Thank you.

Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-

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Answered on 1/05/07, 9:02 am
Jef Henninger, Esq Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

Re: Search Warrant

YOU are not going to file anything. Your attorney will. You need a good attorney since it is very difficult to win a motion to suppress even when the law and the facts are on your side.

To answer your question, the case law is clear that small issues such as this, 2.5 hours, is not going to invalidate the warrant. Now there may be something else that would help you out here with regard to this issue, but this small amount of time alone isn't it.

Call me to discuss your case at 732/247/3340. My initial consultations are always free.

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Answered on 1/04/07, 10:33 pm
Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

Re: Search Warrant

You may have something that will help

you with your case if you have your facts straight. It all depends.

Call me if you like.

Gary Moore, Esquire

Hackensack, New Jersey

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Answered on 1/04/07, 11:07 pm

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