Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey
How can I get shoplifting charges expunged off my record? Who do I talk to about getting rid of them?
I already tried contacting the store and they were uncooperative, saying that they have to be consistent.
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Shoplifting
Expungement of a shoplifting case that was handled in municipal court can be accomplished by filing a petition with the Superior Court of New Jersey five years after the last event in the sentence imposed. That means whenever the probation has been served and the fine has been paid. You should call my office for a fuller explanation and an appointment.
Gary Moore, Esquire
Hackensack, New Jersey
800 273 7933
Re: Shoplifting
Thanks for your question. Based on the information you entered, it sounds like you will qualify for expungement of this matter depending on when it happened. That is because there is a 5 year wait until you can expunge this type of matter.
I handle many expungements and maintain a website where you can find answers to many of your questions and get more information. Check out
I offer free consults. Feel free to contact me through or give me a call at (856)616-8080.
Daniel Kelley
Re: Shoplifting
The store will not cooperate with you because there is nothing they can do about it once you have been convicted. You must now seek an expungement through the courts. If you were convicted of something lesser than shoplifting, perhaps a city ordinance violation, then you don't have to wait 5 years from date of conviction--you may do it sooner. call me 201-646-9799, I will give u all the info. you need. visit for more info.
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