Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey


I worked at a gas station another company that has alot of truck's that come in to fuel up each day. they had inhouse credit card I was convicted of theft by deception false impression and did a year in prison,And ordered to pay back $98,000.for using thier card and taking cash I have found out that the company claimed that money for gas purchases on thier tax return.If that is ture how can they get both, Who can I contact to report this, if they got credit on taxes and I am ordered to pay it back. I don't think this is right I am out of prison now and want to get this straightened out they should not be paid twice. Thank You.

Asked on 1/09/06, 2:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: taxes

Dear Crook,

I think the biggest thiefs are found in business, but hey, YOU stole, they lost, they can take it as a tax deduction, period. If you repay them $10,000, THEN they will need to declare that as income in the year recieved. I HOPE you learned to treat others, including businesses, as YOU want to be treated. Until then, YOU have lost your 'right' to complain about other's honesty... Try worrying about yourself, in the future, do what is right, and hopefully you'll treat others the way you want to be treated and you will be treated fairly and honestly.

Good luck,

Kevi J. Begley

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Answered on 1/09/06, 6:49 pm

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