Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey

Theft of cash from workplace

Seven months ago, finding myself in an

urgent financial situation, I took an

envelope of cash from a safe at work

which I had access to. Said safe

contained several envelopes with many

thousands of dollars at any given time. I

took an envelope containing $5,000USD

with the intentions of replaceing same

ASAP. The loss was discovered, I was

confronted & admitted to the theft.

Nobody witnessed this. I was asked to

resign which I did. I attempted full

restitution immediately and the offer

was respectfully refused. No charges

were filed against me. While I don't

anticipate my former employer doing

so, could they change their mind in the

future? For how long? Could I protect

myself in any way in anticipation of this

unlikely posibility by way of some legal

method even though this was handled

only internally? I have offered restitution

a second time recently. Again, I was

told it was not neccessary. Is there

anything I could do to keep this matter

from hanging over my head should the

one person (CEO) who I admitted this to

have a change of heart? Please advise.

Thank you.

Asked on 12/04/06, 11:41 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jef Henninger, Esq Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

Re: Theft of cash from workplace

This is an odd situation. They have 5 years to press charges so if they don't want to take the money back, your options are rather limited. You can't force them to do anything. Furthermore, even if you took the money and gave it back the next day and they took, you still stole the money and they can still prosecute you. Now maybe the State won't care since they have been made whole, but you never know.

You may just have to wait this one out.

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Answered on 12/06/06, 12:14 pm

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