Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey

My wife was arrested today morning from home.

Four police offices arrested my wife today at 6 a.m. from

our room in Brooklyn NY. They didn't show any documents and

took my wife in plane car somewhere, didn't say where.

They told, that she will call me.

I know that no any reasons to do such things with my wife.

I need help to find her and to help her get out.

We think that this case can be related to accident in the

past in Newark NJ.

Please answer by e-mail: (no phone).

Asked on 5/14/04, 10:44 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Ronald Aronds Law Office of Ronald Aronds, LLC

Re: My wife was arrested today morning from home.

You need to call the local precinct station to find out where your wife is being held and on what charge. They will be able to tell you where she is in the system, and may tell why she was arrested. If she is sent to New Jersey on a New Jersey criminal charge, then please call me at 908-272-0111 to see what I can do to help. I do New Jersey criminal cases. I am not licensed to practice law in New York, so cannot help you if the case stays in New York. Good luck, and don't forget to call me if her case is transferred to New Jersey. Thank you. - Ronald Aronds-

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Answered on 5/14/04, 11:34 am
Rafael Gomez Rafael Gomez, Attorney at Law, P.C.

Re: My wife was arrested today morning from home.

You should call the local precinct, they will give you information. I am well known in Essex County's (Newark) court system. I worked there many years. You should call me if her case results in Newark. I have many contacts there that will facilitate this case for your wife. Call 201-646-9799 for an appointment.

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Answered on 5/14/04, 12:08 pm
John Ducey Law Offices of John G. Ducey, PC

Re: My wife was arrested today morning from home.

I am not to sure with what we are dealing with here. If the charges have something to do with the accident in Newark, NJ I would be glad to represent your wife with regrads to those charges. Let me know if I can be of assistance.

John 732-286-2170

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Answered on 5/14/04, 12:09 pm

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