Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey

How do i get my ex to fulfill child-support and arrears.

It was court order for ex to pay $65.@wk Of this marriage there are 3 children, two (girls)reside with me, there mother. 1 (son) who resided with father. The divorce and child support was final in Jan.1990 It's was also order that The Camden County Probation Dept. would have child support payments deducted directly from his paycheck and sent to me. He currently is in arrears in excess of $5,000. and to date has not paid cs in the past five years with the exception of appoox. 6 not-consecutive payments. Both female children are under age 18 and attend school full-time.1.How can I get The Camden county Probation to enforce the court order. Thank you for your consideration and advice. sincerly,gg

Asked on 9/10/00, 1:21 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Beverly Muller Beverly Sharps Muller, Esquire

Re: How do i get my ex to fulfill child-support and arrears.

hi -

you should call the probation dept. right away and ask to speak to your caseworker, if you have one, or to a supervisor. based upon what you said in your message, i don't understand why they haven't already enforced your order. but sometimes, cases get lost in the cracks, so to speak. if you have any questions after you call there and tell them to enforce your court order, feel free to call me at 609 263-0089. good luck !

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Answered on 10/10/00, 6:16 pm

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