Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey

Alimony Increase

My wife and I were divorced in August, 2004. The court order specifies, among other things, a ten year term in which the alimony amount decreases after the fourth and seventh years. I understand the concept of 'change of circumstance' to modify alimony but would like to know:

1) Does the New Jersey Family Court / Probation department automatically audit / review the case every two or three years by collecting current financial information as I'm being told by my ex or does the payor or payee have to file a request / motion to have the case reviewed? and

2) Can the court adjust alimony for cost of living?

Thanks in advance for your insights!

Asked on 12/14/05, 11:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Davies The Davies Law Firm, P.A.

Re: Alimony Increase

You will need to take action to change the alimony from the amounts agreed to.

My address is below, and you can look me up in the telephone book. This website does not allow me to give my telephone number to you.

Of course, you can not rely on the advice of an attorney given over the internet. Also, the exact facts of your situation, including facts which you have not mentioned in your question, may completely change the result for your situation.

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Answered on 12/15/05, 10:29 am

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