Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey

I want to take my two daughters out of state to live

Div. for 6 years. Ex sees daughters every other w/e and two weeks during the summer. I met a man who lives in Iowa with a very good paying job. There are no job opportunities in my area for his skills. My daughters, ages 10 and 14 want to move. They are very excited about it. Are there any laws that my ex can use to make me have to stay in NJ? I would be willing to lower the child support, or even give it up and supply ample time the girls could fly from Iowa to NJ to see him at different times during the school year. What reasons would a judge have to be unable to grant me this?

Asked on 8/27/00, 8:33 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Beverly Muller Beverly Sharps Muller, Esquire

Re: I want to take my two daughters out of state to live

hi -

there has to be a "holder hearing" so

that the judge can take testimony as to your reasons for wanting to move. there are many factors that the judge must consider before granting your request.

if you have any further questions, feel free to call me at 609 263-0089. good luck !!

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Answered on 10/02/00, 12:26 pm
Edward Weinstein Law Office of Edward R. Weinstein

Re: I want to take my two daughters out of state to live

The Judge will look for your "good faith" reasons as to why you are looking to remove the minor children out of the State of New Jersey. As I have handled many "removal" cases in the past, please feel free to contact my office at 732-246-0909.

Thank you.

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Answered on 10/02/00, 8:26 am

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