Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey

Divorce Attorney incompetence

I have spent close to $60,000 on my attorney and forensic accountant yet I still have not received decent relief from pending ex. He moved into one of the properties he is developing with his girlfriend $2400 a month a does not follow thru on caring for the marital property. What he payed thousands for I now do. I cut the lawn, pay for maintenance, childcare, I work full time, spent all my savings (non marital funds) yet he continues to live off of loans I co signed for. The past 18 months I have slowly become destitute and struggling to care for three young children and he is vacationing and dining out. Some thing is way out of balance and my gut has been telling me for some time that my attorney is preoccupied, to reading my e-mails not responding properly. Yesterday my van was repossessed that pending ex had agreed to maintain payments. He bought his mercedes cash with home equity loan couple years ago without my knowledge. My name is not on the home equity loan, he obtained it without my knowledge or signature. He has used all money in equity for his plastic surgery etc. I am bordering a nervous breakdown and thinking of switching attorneys..I am in a big financial mess.. Help

Asked on 7/30/08, 8:29 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

Re: Divorce Attorney incompetence

I find what you say to be a bit odd, given the normal course of things in a divorce. On the other hand sometimes bizarre things happen. Perhaps your case has a trial date in the near future. I would be glad to talk with you about your problem.

Call me if you like.

Gary Moore, Esquire

Hackensack, New Jersey

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Answered on 7/30/08, 9:21 am
Salvatore Principato Salvatore Principato, Attorney at Law

Re: Divorce Attorney incompetence

I am not one to quickly counsel switching horses mid-race; however, you might benefit from a review of your matter with another lawyer that does divorce work to get a better picture of how far you are off track. Something does seem to be amiss. I believe you are near my office. A consult could not hurt. I have a few questions too.

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Answered on 7/30/08, 12:49 pm
Philip Burnham, Esquire Burnham Law Group, LLC.

Re: Divorce Attorney incompetence

It appears there are many issues that have not been answered or resolved with your understanding of New Jersey divorce laws. Also, from your post I cannot give general answers because there are too many unanswered issues.

If your case is still pending, then the status quo of prior to separation is supposed to be maintained. This is called Pendente Lite.

If your case is over, you need move quickly to protect your appeal rights.

I am near you, and a large of my practice is family law. I would be happy to follow up with you. Please email me directly or call my office if you would like to schedule an appointment either in person or by telephone. My contact information is listed in the links below.

Disclaimer: You can not rely on the advice of an attorney given over the internet. The exact facts of your situation, including facts which you have not mentioned in your question, may completely change the result for your situation.

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Answered on 7/30/08, 3:46 pm

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