Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey

I divorced my wife in May 2007.We presently live and own a home in New Jersey. We made agreement upon our divorce to keep the home and i would cont. to pay mortgage in leiu of child support reason being i didnt want my children bouncing around from place to place, and besides thats were they love to stay(kids). Theres a order we have joint custody of our two children ages 5 and 10. My ex has primary residential, and i have secondary residential custody. We have a court order about visitation. I get the kids every other weekend and a day during the week for dinner plus were suppose alternate all the holidays and i have 2 non conset. vacation time during the year. Now my problem is that im suppose to pic my kids up at 7am on sat morning. Problem is, at times i dont get them until 430pm and at times even 7pm Sat night. There were a couple of times when i didnt get the kids at all for my weekend to have them,.This been going on for 2 YEARS. And even with these past holidays(thanksgiving and christmas). Christmas weeks the kids are out of school for the winter break, she gets the first week and i get the second week but i never do. Im always in conflick with her about my visition but she blows me off saying that she can do wat she wants cause shes the mother. Plus im to have unlimited phone time with my kids, my ex-wife dont let them talk to me when i call she pic up n hangs up the phone. i ask my kids did u hear me calling on the phone and their responce is mommy said we cant talk to you. So I then bought them their on cell phone so i can be in contact with them. She then took there cell phone away from them and said they still not allowd to talk to me. This so called mother would be so spikefull and call a unknown number and let all their minutes run out so they"ll wont b able to use the phone... (this woman will be 41 years old in feb) I been to the police station to file reports so many times even the officers told me i cant win, cause the courts will be on her side... Im lost and dont know wat to do!!!! can someone please give me advice I NEED HELP !!!! i just want my time with my children, I think my love as a father is as important to be in my children lives as well... I cant really afford a lawyer BUT I DESPERATLEY NEED HELP!!!!! Sincerly, J.

Asked on 12/27/09, 8:52 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

You should call me Saturday morning.

Call me if you like.

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Answered on 1/01/10, 9:54 pm
Robert Gleaner Robert A. Gleaner, P.C.

You will need to file a Motion, either on your own or with an attorney, to have your time enforced. It is a simple as that. A Judge will enforce what is in place.

Keep in mind that this advice is given based on the little bit of information that you have

provided in your question. My advice may change based on other information. Further, no one

can rely on advice from an attorney who has not been retained. You cannot rely on this advice because we have not personally met and you have not retained me as an attorney. If you have any questions whatsoever, you should meet with an attorney for a full consultation before you take any further steps. Good luck! Rob Gleaner

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Answered on 1/02/10, 5:23 am
Jef Henninger, Esq Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

Don't assume you cannot afford an attorney, call one/all of the attorneys that answered your question and see how much they would charge you. Some of us also take credit cards.

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Answered on 1/02/10, 6:56 am

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