Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey

Email Abuse from Father

My son's father has three, going on 4 other children in Ireland. He insisted that I tell my son about his sibs., even threatened to do so if I did not. I knew they would not meet but felt it better if I tell him. Now he is not telling the others about my son - he says the oldest knows of him and has sent 3 emails. My son keeps responding for him to call. I don't believe these emails are from the child - the father doesn't want to tell him about my son. I think these emails, 99% sure from the father, are creepy - it feels almost like child porn what with him saying he is an 8 yr. old. Are my son and I being unreasonable that he prefers to talk on the phone? He's only 9 and doesn't use email for communicating with anybody and isn't comfortable with doing it. Also, his father keeps sending me these long emails making false accusations, inventing things I didn't say/do, and just really creating unnecessary drama. Can I tell him not to contact me via email anymore? Also, can't I just get this awful person out of our lives? My son hates him - he has shown no interest in all these years, and now is being abusive on the phone/email to both of us? Can't I have his parental rights terminated in the best interests of my son?

Asked on 2/08/07, 12:08 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jef Henninger, Esq Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

Re: Email Abuse from Father

I'm a little confused here and I would need more information. If he is in Ireland and doesn't come back here, there's not much you can do as I see it. The best thing to do would be to just block his emails, change your email address, etc.

If he does come here for visitation or the children go there, then I suggest you file a motion with the courts to deal with this.

Your situation seems rather complicated, so I suggest you see an attorney before taking any legal action.

My initial consultations are always free, so call me at 732/247/3340 to discuss your case.

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Answered on 2/08/07, 1:02 pm

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