Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey
Emancipation of an 18yr old Part time student
My son has graduated, barely,from High School. I have filed a motion to have him emancipated. He no longer lives in NJ with his mother. He wants to attend an out of state school that is very expensive. I can afford it if he can get residency. To obtain it he must be Financially independant from his parents and take no more than 6 credits per sem. for 1 yr. Mother is fighting me tooth and claw and is leg. sec. with free atty. He is a Part time student and 18 should my motion go through. He has stated in letter to judge. ''I am no longer a full time student and wish to be financially independant from both my parents''
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Emancipation of an 18yr old Part time student
You really don't pose a question in your recitation of the facts. Sounds like you have facts on your side. Emancipation is really a question of fact, either he is a full time college student or he is not. If he is not, he should be emancipated.
If you would like to further discuss this issue, please feel free to contact my secretary, Debbie, at 856-795-6700 to schedule a consultation.
Re: Emancipation of an 18yr old Part time student
You seem to be asking how to deceive an out of state university into believing that your son is emancipated so that you can pay less tuition. I can not ethicially advise you on this question