Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey
what happens to a minor if both parents die wiothout a will
what happens to a child if both parents die and there is no will. in this case there are two sets of grandparents.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: what happens to a minor if both parents die wiothout a will
Presumably, one of the grandparents will apply to become the legal guardian and the Court will determine that application. If more than one grandparent makes an application, the Court will decide the issue in the "best interest of the children." This is a very important issue in the lives of the children and I would suggest that you immediately contact an attorney to assist you. I can help you if you like. If you call me at 856-546-8010, we can schedule an appointment. Mention LawGuru and your first consultation is free. Good Luck! Rob Gleaner