Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey
Mother with custody moving child out of state
My wife and I are getting divorced, and she will likely get custody of our 7 year old child. there is a chance she will want to move, and I woud like to know what my rights are as far as arguing the move, to avoid my child being moved far from home. My family and I are econimally well grounded in this state, and I would like to keep my child close for visitation on a regular basis. Do I have a legal say on whether or not my wife moves out of state with my child?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Mother with custody moving child out of state
The court will determine whether your wife can leave the state with your child; it will block a move done to deny your right to a fair share of time with your child.
You should call my office to discuss your situation briefly and to schedule a consultation.
Gary Moore, Esquire
Hackensack, New Jersey
800 273 7933