Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey

Paid 35,000 for a divorce got a final divorce decree. Now how do I get my money?

Three years and 35,000 dollars later I have gotten my final divorce decree. Now I am out of money my lawyer wont help me collect because I have a $4,000 balance. In my final order the judge awarded me 130 grand to be paid within 60 days if the money isnt paid a lien is to be placed against the house. Well 60 days came and went long ago and no money. So I have an order to apply a lien to the house (which is on the market now) But I have no clue of how to apply the lien. Any help or info you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Asked on 9/29/03, 11:57 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Bruce Matez Gerstein Grayson, LLP

Re: Paid 35,000 for a divorce got a final divorce decree. Now how do I get my mo

If I undertand your question correctly, the lien will be paid to you out of the proceeds of the sale of the house. You will have to wait until the house sells to get your money. However, in order to assure that you are protected, you should have the lien recorded as a judgment, of file a Lis Pendens to assure that that house can not be sold without your involvement.

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Answered on 9/30/03, 11:06 am
Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

Re: Paid 35,000 for a divorce got a final divorce decree. Now how do I get my mo

If the judgement of divorce is written carefully is is a lien already.

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Answered on 9/30/03, 12:38 am

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