Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey
Reduction in Child Support due to ex-wife remarring
Can my ex-wife's remarriage effectuate a reduction in my child support since her household income has now increased coupled with her current job. She is also pregnant with her new husband but there are no other children involved except my 6 yo daughter. Please advise.
Asked on 10/05/00, 3:17 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
Beverly Muller
Beverly Sharps Muller, Esquire
Re: Reduction in Child Support due to ex-wife remarring
hi - the court usually requires a significant change in circumstances before granting a modification. the remarriage wouldn't qualify, since the court would just halve the expenses. and if her current job is the same, basically, that wouldn't help you. feel free to call me at 609 263-0089, if you have any further questions. good luck !
Answered on 11/02/00, 3:48 pm