Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey
Statements in Diary
Personal statements about my spouse were made in a diary. My spouse stole my diary and have all information. I talk about being overweight, and phrases like ''I suspect she has influenced my daughter'', ''I suspect she may have forged my signature on a spousal for to get money from her 401K plan''
Would personal statements such as the ones mention above have any bearing on equitable property distribution?
Thank you.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Statements in Diary
I believe that you have left a number of questions on this system. I also believe that you definitely need to speak to an attorney. I say this because while forgery would be quite relevant to your case, other matters discussed in your diary would not be relevant whatsoever.
Please feel free to contact my office at 732 246 0909 to discuss same.
Very truly yours,
Edward R. Weinstein