Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey
Step Parent Rights
Can a step parent sue the biological parent for child support. I have 3 step kids who have lived with me and their bio. dad for 7 years without receiving any child support from bio. mom. Do I have the right to sue for support?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Step Parent Rights
hi -
whoever has an order for custody has the standing to sue for child support. feel free to call me at 609 263-0089 if you have any further questions. good luck !!
Re: Step Parent Rights
Your question seems to imply that you have a legal obligation to support your step children. You do not. Your husband, however, does have the obligation to do so. If he has not gone into Court to force his ex to pay support, your complaint is with your husband and no one else. Get him to pursue this through the Courts.Keep in mind that this advice is based purely on the little bit of information that you have given to me. There may be other factors that would change my opinion. Further, no one can rely on advice from an attorney who has not been retained. Since you have not retained an attorney in this case, before you take any further action, you should contact an attorney (either me or someone else) to discuss your matter in more detail. Only then will you be able to rely on the advice. I will be happy to assist you. However, you need to call me at 856-546-8010. If you mention LawGuru, there will be no charge for your first consultation. Good luck! Rob Gleaner