Legal Question in Family Law in New Jersey
Terminate Rights
I have a 4yr old son. I got a letter from the court stating that his mother wants to suspend my rights. I did not get to even see my child until he was almost 3 and then I gained visitation rights for Saturday night until Sunday afternoon. His mother hates me so much that she makes it impossible for me to see him. She calls me all the time and leaves rotten messages on my machine. I do think that it might be in the best interest of the child for my rights to just be terminated(I haven't even seen him in 4months).My question is that if my rights get terminated how hard will it be for me to get them back in the future? Also I have 2 other children a 3month old that lives with me all the time and a 2yr old that lives with me Friday through Tuesday. Because of this money is tight. So if she wants my rights as a father terminated can I request to no longr pay child support and healthcare? She has stated a million times that she doesn't want me to be the father just a paycheck. She didn't even put my name on the birth certificate, so my son carries her last name not mine.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Terminate Rights
Once your parental rights are taken away they are gone forever. Parental rights come with parental responsibilities and when the rights are terminated so are the responsibilities, including the obligation to provide child support. My telephone number is 800 273 7933.