Legal Question in Civil Litigation in New Jersey


My ex-roommate used my name and social security number to get service with a company without my permision. She also didn't pay for the bills while she was living in the household. This bills have now gone to collections what can I do? How much could I recieve?

Asked on 5/27/08, 11:33 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Davies The Davies Law Firm, P.A.

Re: Fraud

fraud - yes it sounds like fraud if she did this without your consent.

you want to notify the company that this is fraud.

you may want to find out whether you can file criminal charges.

collections? wow.

I suggest you go see a lawyer located near you who handles civil litigation. you have a couple of problems.

I am in northern NJ, and can not assist.

Good luck to you.

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Answered on 5/27/08, 12:57 pm

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