Legal Question in Civil Litigation in New Jersey

Is a plaintiff's past crimes admissible in a lawsuit?

I am being sued by a former doctor falsely claiming I owe him for services that should have been paid by an insurance company. In addition, for 4 years I have refused to even open any mailings from this doctor due to learning about him being arrested for child pornography an pedophilia. Aside from currently having financial hardship, I steadfastly refuse to give this man any money that could be put to use to defend his heinous actions, and I am wondering if I can safely mention my stance on the matter in court. He has already been indicted on multiple counts though has not yet gone to trial, and his lawyer is seemingly trying to square up all debts owed to him to cover his ongoing legal fees. Before I go to court and argue my stance I wanted to make sure I am not admonished or held in contempt for saying so, or that I can defend my stance if his lawyer objects. i feel that if I cannot adequately prove that I did all I was required to have the insurance pay for my treatment, that this is my only recourse. Thank you for your assistance.

Asked on 5/14/08, 11:00 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Davies The Davies Law Firm, P.A.

Re: Is a plaintiff's past crimes admissible in a lawsuit?

His crimes have nothing to do with the money he claims you owe.

If you do not owe him all or part, and want a lawyer to assist, contact me.

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Answered on 5/14/08, 11:38 am

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