Legal Question in Civil Litigation in New Jersey

Police department not taking action in an order

I have an order that a neighbor was not supposed to have any contact with my family. He then hit my son, was calling my other son names. When i called the police, they said the order was meaningless. A lawyer told me this was signed by a judge and should have been enforced. Since then, this man, who is old, hit my husband with an ax handle and my husband had a concussion. Can i take any action? The police and the judge have refused to help us in this matter. The judge actually changed venues to a different town after i questioned what his order meant.

Asked on 5/28/08, 9:26 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Jef Henninger, Esq Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

Re: Police department not taking action in an order

Do you have an attorney? Sounds like you really need one at this point. Otherwise, it seems like you are getting nowhere fast.

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Answered on 5/28/08, 9:42 pm
Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

Re: Police department not taking action in an order

You are apparently acting without the assistance of an attorney. Hire an attorney. This is obviously not something you know how to handle yourself.

Call me if you like.

Gary Moore, Esquire

Hackensack, New Jerseyh

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Answered on 5/29/08, 3:55 am
Robert Davies The Davies Law Firm, P.A.

Re: Police department not taking action in an order

Assuming that no one in your family attacked this man, and that there is no other reason or justification under law for what he did (I would need more info to be absolutely certain of this), you have the following claims at least:

1. criminal charges for hitting your son and husband. the police have no right to refuse to pursue that.

2. civil lawsuit against him for hitting son and husband.

3. depending on what the Order says, criminal charges for 'contempt of Court' for disobeying the order.

You are close by me. Call me if you would like me to assist you.

I would be happy to speak to you on the telephone, but it will take more than just a brief telephone call to assist you with these issues.

My contact information can be obtained from the links below, just click on the Attorney Profile link. Let my secretary know you found me through LawGuru. This website, LawGuru, will NOT let me list my phone number in this response.

Disclaimer: Your question and any response does NOT create an attorney-client relationship between you and this law firm. You can not rely on the statements made by an attorney given over the internet. The response that you have received is based only on the small amount of information which you have provided. The exact facts of your situation, including facts which you have not mentioned in your question, may completely change the result for your situation.

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Answered on 5/29/08, 12:17 pm

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