Legal Question in Civil Litigation in New Jersey

Teenage Driver

My son is 17 and is about to get a driver's license in NJ. I am concerned about liability to me and my wife. I am afraid if he gets into an accident, I could be sued and lose everything.

I initially thought of getting a separate insurance policy for him so i could keep him off of my policy. The insurance underwriter said that probably would not help because he is a minor.

He is not a bad kid, but he has done stupid things:

When 16, he drove a car a few blocks against my orders, and got caught and fined for driving without insurance and a license. He had his non existant license revoked for a year.

At age 17,He had minor accident in which no one was injured while under permit.

Would this be grounds for a plaintiff to find us negligent for letting him drive under age 17?

Should I make him wait until he is 18?

What conditions have to exist for me not to be held liable for his accidents?

Asked on 5/25/08, 12:14 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Davies The Davies Law Firm, P.A.

Re: Teenage Driver

Buy insurance. Get a high limit of coverage, like $500,000 or $1,000,000.

Instead of being concerned about your own liability, you should worry about the people that your son may injure.

I would take away his keys and not give them back until he shows that he is responsible and careful.

Age 18 is not a magic number. You may be liable for letting a bad driver drive your car, no matter the age.

It will cost a LOT of money to insure your son. He should work and pay it. that may increase his responsibility. If he stays accident free for two or three years, then the cost MAY come down a bit.

Do not put your son in your car and let him hurt someone.

PS: I have 2 sons, 18 and 21. the 21 yr old caused three small accidents, and now does not drive any vehicle of mine ever. no keys. will look again at age 22. the 18yr old is working and pays his own insurance cost. does NOT let 21 yr old 'borrow' his keys, or he would lose them.

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Answered on 5/26/08, 10:48 am

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