Legal Question in Insurance Law in New Jersey
duplicate health insurance
I have been divorced x 8 years & myex-wife has custody of the 2 children. They live in NY. I have visitation every 2 weeks. I pay child support (garnished thru my paycheck). Kings Cty. Court in NY notified my employer that they will be enforcing medical coverage thru my employment benefits. The children already have full medical coverage through their mother. She has stated that she does not require additional coverage for them. She gets the children's coverage through her employer. I believe in the state of NJ that it is ''illegal'' to have 2 primary insurances. Can you please clarify that and what course of action needs to be taken to rectify this problem. Thank you
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: duplicate health insurance
What does the Order from the Court state with respect to medical/health insurance? The Court usually makes a determination as to who is responsible for the payment of this insurance. Find out what prompted the court to niotify your employer about the insurance.
I suggest you retain an attorney to resolve this issue or at least consult with an attorney immediately so that you can explore your legal rights, obligations, and options. If you wish to discuss retaining my services, contact me at: (516) 256-7737 or (212) 249-2460 or
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