Legal Question in Employment Law in New Jersey
in a small branch of a larger mortgage company
1- we are hourly employees and are refused overtime even though we work it, can we sue for those wages ( have emails stating we must work Saturdays but not paid)
2-branch recently doubled size of sales force and doubled the commission plan to those new employees only, when we requested the same we are met with physical threats, age comments, increased pricing equating to lost business, loss of wages and income, comments about our marriages and financial situations all of which are discussed in the open on sales floor information)
3- can we sue for the harassment/ hostile environment, lost wages and threats to our jobs for trying to collectively negotiate ( as is our right under NLRB and act, we are non-union) no one has been fired but we are all pushed to quit
1 Answer from Attorneys
You may have grounds for suit on a number of grounds. You may want to try getting relief on the overtime issue by first making a complaint to the NJ Dept. of Labor.
See also: