Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in New Jersey
Crazy Room mate
I live with someone who is involved
in illegal activity. I would prefer to
stay out of trouble and keep a clean
record so leaving my current living
situation would be in my best
interest. I don--name removed--want
to implicate or
tattle on my roomy but I do want out
of the lease. My landlady has said
that I need to find a replacement to
finish out the term. Is it my
responsibility to d this or is there a
way around it? I wouldn--name
removed--want to
knowingly put someone else at risk
by setting them up with this living
situation. I'm desperate!
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Crazy Room mate
There is little help that you can get from the law without disclosing the activity to someone. You should at least share the details with a lawyer who can help.
Your chief concern should be that you will be implicated in the illegal activity. However that turns out, you could be responsible for defense costs that will exceed anything that you might have to pay now.
Your problem is not an easy one and there are many variations on the facts. Best you share your concerns with a lawyer who can give an opinion based on all the information.
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