Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in New Jersey
Questions asked by potential landlords
What questions can a potential landlord ask me regarding my family status, ages of children, where I am employed,etc, which are legal? My wife and I are splitting up and it seems as if she is being given the third degree when she calls about renting an apartment. Thank you. R Wright
Asked on 9/14/05, 12:57 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Robert Davies
The Davies Law Firm, P.A.
Re: Questions asked by potential landlords
No landlord may discriminate based on marital status, age, religion, the 'bad'categories. The landlord can inquire how many people will be living in the unit, to control overcrowding, and some inquiry about ability to pay rent makes sense.
It would seem that you have some other issues as well. If I can assist, please call me. 973 890 0400
Answered on 9/14/05, 3:01 pm