Legal Question in Legal Ethics in New Jersey
Do I have a lawsuit?
This past Superbowl Sunday (Feb. 4, 07) I attended a house party with a friend in Jersey City. I was the invite of my friend who was cordially invited. After lots of eating and drinking things got a little out crazy. After the game a small group of us went out to a bar and eventually returned to the apartment where we had watched the game. I remember passing out on one of the sofas. There was a very drunk cousin of the host. I recall them complaining that I was sleeping on the sofa. I volunteered to leave and called a cab. My friend who had initially brought me offered to drive us home. As I was leaving, I exchanged words with the drunk cousin and he jumped me from behind and landed on me. He and another friend had jumped me. After we were broken up I got up with a bruised leg. I took it for what it was and left. I initially thought that I had sprained my ankle and after 4 days of walking around with a cane a friend convinced me to go to the hospital. It turns out that I have a broken fibula and need surgury next week. I do not have medical insurance and was atmitted under Charity Care. Am I entitled to sue someone for all of my pain, hardship, and lost wages at work?
Thank you for your professional expertise.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Do I have a lawsuit?
Yes. You were the victim of a violent crime and have a possible suit against both the person who assaulted you and the person who hosted the party. I recommend you contact Lisa Lehrer at Bendit, Weinstock - 973.736.9800 or