Legal Question in Medical Malpractice in New Jersey
My son fell out of bed, hit his head on the corner of a nightstand while on vacation in Toms river. We went to closest ED and requested a plastic surgeon to suture during triage. A MD came in and assessed my son and confirmed that he did require suturing and he proceeded to do it without sterile technique. He closed the laceration with 6 stitches, I questioned why he didn't sutured internally, no answer. After he completed he left the room. I then asked the RN if I could get another plastic surgeon to look at it, knowing that it needed mire, she said it would be atleast 5 hours. I told her I will go to Morristown medical center, forget it. I walked my pediatrician who in turn reached the on call plastic surgeon in Morristown and we say him at his office. He took one look and sent us to Morristown ED and met us there. The lacetation was to the bone, needed to be corterized, and 5 layers of sutures, on top of more cleaning.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Assuming that the second physician's care fixed the problem, you probably do not have a financially viable medical malpractice case. If the actions of the first physician caused lasting harm, then that is a different story.
Please note that by attempting to answer your question, I am not acting as your attorney. I will do nothing further to protect or preserve your interests in the absence of any additional discussion with you about this matter. John Ratkowitz, Esq. Starr, Gern, Davison & Rubin, P.C. 105 Eisenhower Parkway Roseland, NJ 07068 Office: (973) 830-8441 Cell: (732) 616-6278 Fax: (973) 226-0031 Email: Skype: john_ratkowitz Web: