Legal Question in Personal Injury in New Jersey

dog bite

A friend of ours was bitten by or pet dog. She is now suing us. We are renting and do not have home owners insurance. What will happen?

Asked on 5/10/08, 7:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Salvatore Principato Salvatore Principato, Attorney at Law

Re: dog bite

There are many questions such as the circumstances and whether your dog actually caused the type of injury alleged by biting the person or whether it was some other cause. This goes to the defense. However, when you have renter's or HO insurance, it protects you from personal liabilty and provides you with a legal defense as well. This means that a lawyer would be appointed to represent at no cost if a law suit has actually been filed against you. You have none of these benefits that people do not consider when electing not to get renter's insurance but that's for the future. Sorry.

Did you get a lawyer's letter telling you that they are suing you? You may wish to consult with a lawyer to respond to the letter and tell her you have no renter's insurance. Depending on how bad the alleged injury really is, you may offer some kind of settlement.

In the worst case scenario if you cannot afford a lawyer, I suppose the friendship is shaky or you would tell the friend about this and maybe offer to pay the medical bills if that is feasible. A lawyer could and should draw up a release in that case to avoid a suit for pain and suffering in addtion to economic loss.

You have left many questions open so it is difficult to give a complete answer. Please note there is strict liability in NJ for dog bitesto make it easier to allow a victim of dog bite to receover damages.

This may be a cause for bankruptcy to wipe a judgment if things are bad enough. That can help settle things too if used correctly. You need legal advice with all the details being reviewed. At least get a consult. Call or email me or someone else. Good luck!

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Answered on 5/11/08, 12:01 pm

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