Legal Question in Personal Injury in New Jersey

personal injury

my daughter broke her foot in two places upon entering her friends house. She tripped on a step entering the house from the garage. Are the homeowners responsible for the medical costs I incur?

Asked on 5/06/09, 9:59 am

5 Answers from Attorneys

David Owens, Esq. Molod, Spitz & DeSantis

Re: personal injury

Most homeowner policies have a provision in it that will provide limited coverage for medical costs. You need to make sure that the homeowner advised his/her insurance company about the incident. Your daughter may also have a viable claim for the pain and suffering she experienced, as well as any medical payments that are not covered by the insurance company under the medical payments provision. If you would like to discuss this matter further please feel free to call and I would be happy to arrange for a free consultation.

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Answered on 5/06/09, 10:08 am

Re: personal injury

If the homeowner had a defective step, or if they caused the injury injury in some way, they may be responsible. They will also be responsible fdor pain and suffering

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Answered on 5/06/09, 10:09 am
Adam L. Rothenberg Levinson Axelrod, P.C.

Re: personal injury

First, let me say that this question has several answers and is best explored with competent attorney representation, we can help. With that said....

There is no simple answer. Generally falling on someone else's property, without fault on the owner of the property, does not require them to cover bills. However, many homeowners have Homeowners insurance which MAY have a provision called MED-PAY. MED-PAY will pay up to the MED-PAY policy limit regardless of fault; typical limits are 1, 2 or 5 thousand dollars.

However, if the accident occured due to the negligence of the owner in the way the property was constructed, maintained or existed creating a condition which reasonably should not have been allowed, then if proven. the owner would potentially be responsible for any and all bills.

I would strongly suggest that you call an attorney for a consultation and discussion of your particular circumstances. I certainly would be happy to discuss with you at 800-34-NJ-LAW.

Best wishes.

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Answered on 5/06/09, 10:09 am
Daniel Cevallos Cevallos & Wong, LLP

Re: personal injury

Even more likely, you will be able to claim against the HOMEOWNERS' policy of your daughter's friend's parents. So, the parents won't have to pay out of pocket--rather the policy will pay out for them. You should give our offices a call to discuss your recovery and your options. 267.639.3105, or

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Answered on 5/06/09, 12:44 pm
Antoinette Wooten The Wooten Legal Consulting, PC

Re: personal injury

The homeowners will more than likely have their insurance pay for the medical expenses.

You may also be entitled to more than just the medical expenses being paid.

Do you know whether the homeowners have insurance?

Antoinette M. Wooten, Esq./Tom Annunziato, Esq.,

Belleville, NJ

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Answered on 5/06/09, 3:33 pm

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