Legal Question in Real Estate Law in New Jersey

Renewal period

Our lease has ''intent to renew'' language in it. It puts the onus upon the landlord to inform tenants if it does not want to renew. What rights does a tenant have if the landlord informs tenants of this after the renewal period?

Asked on 4/21/02, 1:37 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Ryan Dornish Ryan A. Dornish, Attorney At Law

Re: Renewal period

Please be advised that I have not been retained to represent you and I am basing my response on the limited information supplied. However, a lease has a beginning and ending term. If the lease "carries over" or extends beyond its term with the tenants nor the landlord providing notice of any change or desire to terminate, the lease is viewed as having been renewed. I would have to see the specific terms of your lease to give you advice on which to rely and you should not automatically assume that your lease is renewed but that is the general theory. Your rights are that you can remain in the premises provided you pay your agreed upon rent unless or until the landlord attempts to remove you and at that point, he would have to provide timely notice and then go through the eviction process. If you would like me to review your lease and give you proper advice on your rights and how you should proceed, you can contact me at 908-537-7975. If you cannot afford an attorney, be advised that every county in New Jersey has a legal service agency which can assist you provided you qualify.


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Answered on 4/28/02, 1:06 pm

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