Legal Question in Real Estate Law in New Jersey

Roommate liabilities

My roommate skipped town, said he'd be at a certain place locally for awhile, and instead moved to another state far away. I cannot locate him and he left no forwarding address or phone. He left without paying his half of the utlity bills (oil heat, electricity and water). HIS half of these bills totals roughly six hundred dollars. I have tried to explain the situation to the utility companies, who of course want their money. Can I be held liable for the roommate's unpaid portion of these overdue bills? I am in financila crisis and cannod afford to pay it. Thanks.

Asked on 2/17/98, 2:28 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Miriam Jacobson Retired from practice of law

roommate's responsibility

You do not indicate whether you and your former roommate are both named on the utility accounts. Usually where there is more than one name, ALL of the named people are fully responsible for the entire fee or amount due. The utility is not concerned with how the fee is shared between 2 tenants, only that it is paid in full.

If you have paid only your share of, and your former roommate did not pay his/her share, the utility can seek to have you pay the full amount of terminate your service.

You should consult a local attorney with experience in this area of law.

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Answered on 2/20/98, 10:55 am

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