Legal Question in Real Estate Law in New Jersey
Next step for evicting Section 8 tenants?
My section 8 tenants have violated their lease: vandalizing the property, obstructing the driveway with their furniture and possession of 3 animals (1 pit bull, 1 Doberman, 1 cat...not that the breeds of dog matter, but they do make the situation a little more severe). I have issued a 'Notice to Cease'; they refused to get rid of the dogs, and the vandalism and furniture still exist. I have photos of each of these infractions, taken before and after the Cease deadline occurred. The Section 8 office told me to then ''proceed with the regular eviction process''. I have the forms I need to fill out for the there anything else? Is a Notice to Quit really necessary since I am already filing for the eviction trial? Thanks!
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Next step for evicting Section 8 tenants?
Evicting Section 8 tenants is really tricky.
Call me if you want a lawyer to assist you. I am in Hackensack, Bergen County.