Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in New Jersey
Hostile living environment?
I�m familiar with the concept of a �hostile working environment,� however, my question deals with a �hostile living environment� -- one created by the president of the condominium association (who was also my neighbor) in a small development. His conduct was so egregious, that I was forced to move. Of course he was not my employer, but his position as president of the association gave him power, prestige and the authority to conduct himself in a manner that would not be allowed by management if it were coming from anyone else. As president of the association, does he not have a higher responsibility to conduct himself appropriately than say, just a neighbor. His harassment included many sexual remarks and threats. He appears to want to control who lives in the development, having harassed several other renters into leaving in the past.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Hostile living environment?
The law against discrimination in NJ prevents housing discrimination. I would need much more explictit facts to determine if the condo president's harrasment did create a hostile environment.
The next problem what are your damages do you have another place to live, is it much more expensive. Were you treated by a doctor?
Max Manshel
Law Office of Max Manshel
34 Collamore Terrace