Legal Question in Traffic Law in New Jersey

dismissing parking ticket

i recently got a parking ticket for parking my car in front of my house over night. i have lived in the same residence for over 16 years now and this is the first time getting such a ticket. apparently there's a no parking between 2-5am code, which i was not aware of. there are also no signs anywhere on the block. when i looked at the ticket, on the slot where the time of incident is recorded, it just says 2:40 without AM or PM circled around it. does this make the ticket invalid and/or dismissable?

Asked on 10/05/04, 10:57 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Ronald Aronds Law Office of Ronald Aronds, LLC

Re: dismissing parking ticket

The failure to put down AM or PM does not invalidate the ticket. The judge can amend the ticket to include that information. However, the whole thing sounds kind of bogus to me. If I was you I would take pictures of your street to show the judge and prosecutor that there is no notice anywhere that says you can't park on the street in front of your own house. I think that there will be a good chance of having this ticket dismissed on the "no notice" issue. However, now that you are aware of this local parking law, you don't have the no notice excuse available to you in the future, so you should not park in front of your house overnight any more.If you have any questions about this or any other legal matters please feel free to call me at 908-272-0111. There is never any charge for simply calling to discuss a case with me.

Sincerely yours, Ronald Aronds, Esq.

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Answered on 10/05/04, 5:00 pm
Alan Albin Alan S. Albin, Attorney at Law

Re: dismissing parking ticket

If the signage is inadequate, you may have a legal defense to the ticket.

I strongly recommend that you consult with an attorney immediately so that you can explore your legal rights, obligations, and options. If you wish to discuss retaining my services, contact me at:


(*Licensed in New Jersey, Maryland, and Dist. of Columbia)

[Disclaimer: The above comments are not intended as nor should they be relied upon as "legal advice", which can only be obtained by personal consultation with a retained attorney; at which time the specific facts and circumstances of your case can be thoroughly evaluated. This reply is provided for general informational and educational purposes only, and does not create an attorney-client relationship with the responding attorney.]

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Answered on 10/08/04, 10:57 am

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