Legal Question in Traffic Law in New Jersey

left hand turn on yellow light

i was involved in a major collision resulting from my making left hand turn on yellow light. lane looked clear but an suv hit my smaller suv (point of impact other drivers front end into middle of my passenger side). took place about June 05 and only now does the other party wish to sue my insurance. in my defense 1 she was speeding (crash site pictures and trajectory of vehicles might validate this) and 2 i will allege she was on a cell phone (first thing i heard and saw was her exclaiming to someone on it). i probably will get a lawyer, but just wondering how much at fault am I on this and how often do you see the person who makes the left handed turn lose in court.

and lastly does the amount of time making the claim affect the case in anyway? almost 1 year 11 months.

bonus question. pulling out all the stops. are lie detectors ever used in traffic cases?


--name removed--screwed

Asked on 5/15/07, 10:11 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Frank Bosley Law Offices of Frank T. Bosley, LLC

Re: left hand turn on yellow light

She is within the statute of limitations. Your insurance company will manage the case for the most part (that's what you pay them for). Give me a call and we can discuss whether you even need a lawyer. Obviously, if your insurance does not cover the damage/injury, she can file a suit against you personally, but I don't have enough facts to even guess that. :o)

This isn't a traffic case. It's a property damage/persoanl injury matter. Has she tried to file a motor vehicle complaint against you?

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Answered on 5/15/07, 12:13 pm

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