Legal Question in Traffic Law in New Jersey

Parking Tickets

Is there a stature of limitation pertaining to parking tickets? I receive a letter from Jersey City, NJ requesting payment of an outstanding balance that dates back to March 1997. They said that if the balance is not received by May 23, 2007 they will suspend my license, add interest fees and put out a warrant for my arrest. The balance is $141...Please advise.

Asked on 5/09/07, 1:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jef Henninger, Esq Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

Re: Parking Tickets

First, the SOL only deals with serving you, not finishing the case. Thus, they will allege that they gave you the ticket on your car and you ignored it. Regardless, this is municipal court and it would take you many hours to fight this and there is a strong possiblity that you would lose without an attorney even if you are 100% right. While I am a very "gung ho, fight everything" type of an attorney, I can't see this being worth your time.

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Answered on 5/09/07, 1:39 pm

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