Legal Question in Traffic Law in New Jersey

suspended license

I had unpaid parking tix(9 to be exact) i failed to pay them and got pulled over twice after my license was suspended once for light covers and the other for expired reg (2 days expired) i failed to appear in court because of a family illness and have just returned and i want to try and clear it up. I do not really have the funds to retain a lawyer and i know this is pretty much cut and dry meaning a quick court app for each. The 1 town told me just pay your tix come back and we will downgrade it. My question is do i really need an attorney or should i just go it alone with everything paid. Dont respond if your just going to say you will represent me unless you have an incredibly good rate as these are not big deals and will be wuick and easy. Please respond with what i should do thank you

Asked on 5/16/07, 6:57 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

Re: suspended license

Hire an attorney.

Call me if you like.

Gary Moore, Esquire

Hackensack, New Jersey

Read more
Answered on 5/16/07, 11:19 pm

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