Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in New Jersey

Looking for representation

Dad was killed by a negligent driver in 2005. My stepmother sued the drivers insurance company and won. She has since died and left everything to my step brother. The house which her and my dad lived in was under her name according to the deed. So I probably have no claim to the house even though I think I should since he paid a large part of the mortgage. Also I think I should have claim to part of the monies from the lawsuit.

Asked on 6/21/09, 3:13 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jonathan Chester The Law Office of Jonathan S. Chester, Esq., LLC

Re: Looking for representation

Sounds like a tough case. Where were you in 2005 during your father's lawsuit? Were you entitled to any of the proceeds? As a child, it seems logical that you would have.

I assume your father's will left everything to his wife? If so, your chances of collecting anything from his estate are very low.

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Answered on 6/22/09, 9:46 am

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