Legal Question in Workers Comp in New Jersey

Hurt at work, permanent damage!

I worked for a major company. I hurt my back. My

district manager didn't let me leave. I had to

stay working. The next day she made me come in

again. I went to the doctor and he said it looked

like i had a sprained back, but if it still hurts

in a few weeks to come back. So it got worse and

I went back. The doctor said that from standing

and working on my sprained back i got syatic nerve

which is permanent damage. I want to sue them and

I want to know for how mu

Asked on 8/18/99, 1:11 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

John Pinho John Pinho

Re: Hurt at work, permanent damage!

From your description, you would be entitled to an award of permanent disability.

If you lost time from work, you may be entitled to temporary disability benefits, and payment of your medical bills.

Please review the 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions in Workers Compensation in my webpage:

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Answered on 10/26/99, 10:31 am

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