Legal Question in Workers Comp in New Jersey

Lawyers fee

In NJ is there a set fee a lawyer can charge? I'm told that a Workmans Comp fee can only be 20/80. Is this true?

Asked on 1/28/02, 9:26 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

John Pinho John Pinho

Re: Lawyers fee

In New Jersey, the Attorney fee can be no greater

than 20% of the gross award. In most cases it is strictly

based upon the gross permanent disability awarded.

The Petitioner's (injured workers) actual fee is less than 20%

because the workers compensation judge divides the 20% fee usually

60% to be paid by the insurance carrier and 40% to be paid from the Petitioner's

gross award.

For example, if there is a gross permanent award of

$10,000. The attorney fee would be $2000. 60% of $2000=$1200

and 40% of $2000=$800. The Judge would usually divide up the fee

Respondent (Insurance Company) to pay $1200. Petitioner to pay


The net award to the Petitioner would be $10,000-$800=$9200

The actual fee is only 8% of the Gross Award.

There would also be deductions for the Doctors who examined

the Petitioner and provided a report.

John M. Pinho

visit the link below for the 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions in Workers Compensation.

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Answered on 1/29/02, 12:21 pm

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