Legal Question in Workers Comp in New Jersey

Paid Days

A friend of mine was injured at work, received medical treatment and was instructed to not work for 2 days. Her employer, however, did not pay for the 2 days off. Are they required to?

Asked on 5/07/99, 11:37 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

John Hayes The John Hayes Law Offices

Re: Paid Days

The employer's workmans comp insurance is supposed

to pay for the time lost, pain and suffering and

and future medical bills. I hope your friend got

some money for the pain and suffering and was reimbursed

for the time lost. If they have signed the release it

is to late, if not make sure they get some money.

If there was no workmans comp the employer should

pay the lost wages.

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Answered on 5/07/99, 10:20 pm

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