Legal Question in Workers Comp in New Jersey

therapy with workman's comp

I had the top of my finger amputated when i was at work.. I was off work for approx 6 wks and went back for light duty.

I've been going to therapy, now all of a sudden my emlyer says that i can't go to therapy while i'm on the clock and is making it very hard for me. On saturday when i went to work ''all of a sudden'' i'm not in the system to punch in. I'm completely gone from our system.. i'm an assistant manager so i close the store at night so they still had me closing even tho i'm not in the system. my question is, can they fire me, why am i gone from the system and then still closed the store? am i entitled to go to therapy on the clock?

Asked on 8/29/04, 12:27 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Adam L. Rothenberg Levinson Axelrod, P.C.

Re: therapy with workman's comp

The New Jersey Workers� Compensation statutes were drafted to protect you against the type of employer behavior your message describes. You have the right to be treated by the Workers� Compensation carrier totally at their expense. Laws also protect you from retaliatory discharge for bringing a Workers� Compensation claim. We are a full service personal injury firm whose Workers� Compensation department is staffed by five attorneys who vigorously protect the rights of injured workers. We have handled over 15,000 claims for our clients. We will get you a settlement for your injury. Further, we have an attorney who specializes in wrongful discharge who can address all issues regarding workplace rights. Please be assured that consultations are always free. I look forward to discussing your case and will dedicate the time needed to address all your concerns. Please give me a call toll-free at 1-888-389-2667 or e-mail me at [email protected]. Yours truly, Maurice Nadeau, Esq.

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Answered on 9/03/04, 12:37 pm
Ronald Aronds Law Office of Ronald Aronds, LLC

Re: therapy with workman's comp

It sounds to me like your employer is acting in a way that is not in accordance with the New Jersey Workers Compensaiton law. The Workers Compensation Insurance Carrier is required to pay for your authorized treatment. If the doctor can only see you at specific times, then that is when you are allowed to go. If you are able to do the job and are in fact still working despite your injury, then he cannot fire you for being injured. Even more than that, I can probably get you a money settlement for the injury/amputation you suffered. I am an attorney who has handled hundreds of workers compensation cases in New Jersey in the past. Please call me at 908-272-0111 to discuss your case further. There is never any charge for simply discussing your case. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-

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Answered on 8/30/04, 11:55 am

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