Legal Question in Family Law in New Mexico


my husband and I are separating,I have been a homemaker for 10 years I have worked on and off around his schedule. We have 3 children I would like to know what legal rights I have

Asked on 1/15/07, 3:46 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

John Watson John Watson, Attorney at Law

Re: Divorce/separation

You have so many legal rights they cannot all be named or addressed in this single response. In fact, the very reason people go and see private attorneys is that the private "family law" or "divorce" attorney specializes or focuses primarily family law to ensure that all of your legal rights are addressed and adjudicated when a divorce or separation occurs.

A partial list, by no means limited simply because I forget to put something on the list, is: alimony, child support, division of retirement; division of property (both real and personal); development of parenting plans; adjudication of paternity of your children; addressing income taxes and income tax deductions; addressing college, addressing extra expenses for high school like year book, senior trip, prom, senior photographs, senior ring, extra curricular activity costs, costs for telephones, cars, car insurance and addressing special circumstances unique to your family/parenting situation.

You live in an area where there are a lot of collaborative divorce lawyers and divorce lawyers. See my other posts on how to contact or find an attorney that you will feel comfortable in hiring to represent you.

Good Luck

Law Guru

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Answered on 1/15/07, 4:05 pm

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