Legal Question in Family Law in New Mexico

Emancipation by pregnancy?

I am 17 and will eighteen in October. I am pregnant and my parents will not allow me to see the father of my soon born child. May I get emancipated if, he agrees to take care of me?

Asked on 4/10/07, 2:10 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

John Watson John Watson, Attorney at Law

Re: Emancipation by pregnancy? ~ The website above has an overall - that is broad and general - description of emancipation. However, it is not citing or quoting NM law. You should understand that as a person under the age of 18 if you leave home your parents could call the police and report you as a runaway. If that happened you could simply be picked up and brought back home. You are in a type of legal limbo just now. On the one side there are certain steps you could take to go out on your own. On the other hand, regardless of those steps or actions, you are still considered a child in the eyes of the law.

Your boyfriend could go a long way to helping the situation if he helped you pay for a mediator so that you, boyfriend and your parents could sit down and address this situation like adults. Your parents need to model adult problem solving behavior for you and you, since you want to be an adult, may have to take the lead here and show your parents that you can sit down in a rational and adult manner and address the problem, consider the options available and attempt to reach a resolution that is not based on an "I win/You loose" scenerio. As you have probably learned in school mediation is a way to help people in tough situations find the "win/win" resolution.

The yellow pages, your school counselor, the family court, and your church leaders all know how to point you in the direction of finding a mediator. Give it a try and see if perhaps there is a way for all of you to find a path to a more harmonious relationship. The relationship you all have will continue. Whether it continues with all of you mad at each other or whether it continues with each of you working together to make a tough situation more tolerable may be entirely in your hands.

Good luck.

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Answered on 4/10/07, 10:01 pm

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