Legal Question in Family Law in New Mexico

Father & Child's Rights?

daughter 12 w/mom;alcoholic & drugs. living enviroment reach new no work, welfare,mom gets taxied around,meets driver,start hitting bars 2gether,he moves in.been in pen for murder,2 guy now lives in garage.daughter jumps house to house in eat,sleep,@home least possible. mom gets sick;liver failing;in hospital,signs power of attorney to guy friend of 6mos.2nd time to sign over child.3rd this summer because of moms drinking;in/out of clinics.couple whom the child was with contacted dad. child/dad spent total of @3wks. 2gether.child understands.wants to live w/dad.the list goes on. not good,child at age fully understands her enviroment.Example:sign on front door @home-tatooed white trash. it doesn't get any better.on & takes care of school spls., drink 24/7.child scared for mom & don't want in that engineer/good job,step-mom/stay at home wife. great enviroment/stable.most important the childs want & now I believe need. child aware of moms sex life,child finds booze in her bdrm. serv. involved several custody agreement. what to do,1st file for temp. then full custody?is or should it be that hard given childs age & maturity & her choice? please help

Asked on 8/25/02, 1:35 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

E. Daniel Bors Jr. Attorney & Counselor At Law

Re: Father & Child's Rights?

Dear Inquirer:

Nothing herein shall create an attorney-client relationship, unless a written retainer agreement is executed by the attorney and client. This communication contains general information only. Nothing herein shall constitute an attorney-client communication nor legal advice. There likely are deadlines and time-limits associated with your case; you should contact an attorney of your choice for legal advice specific to your personal situation, at once.

If you haven't already done so, please visit my

web site at --

The site contains quite a bit of general information about California Family Law, Tenants' Rights, and Juvenile Dependencies, as well as information about me (education, experience, et cetera) and my office (location, hours, fees, policies).


Contact every NM agency you can from police to social services NOW. Then contact an experienced Family Law attorney in the county where the child resides for specific advice and representation on your behalf.

Thanks for sharing your interesting inquiry with us on LawGuru, and good luck with your case.

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Answered on 5/11/03, 11:26 pm

Re: Father & Child's Rights?

File for custody immediately. Please call me directly at (619) 222-3504.

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Answered on 8/25/02, 12:53 pm

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