Legal Question in Bankruptcy in New York

Why me?

We declared chapter 13 the trustee said, he had to dismiss the case because only income unemployment. So were lent the money to pay the payments owed. Then went to Texas lawyer said it was ok. Tried to make the next months payment. They refused. Called lawyer no answer. car was repoed we were stranded. Got back to Ny called to have the case dismissed one year later. Case dismissed 04 in 05 creditor calls because they just got a letter case dismissed. We owe the rest for the car. Its now a charge off. The collection agency said will garnish wages. I cant prove that. Even know i called to get it dismissed it was listed as involuntary chapter 13. I dont win either way. no choice but to declare bankruptcy again. They can refuse payments even after they took the back amount owed while i was in bankruptcy. But, i cant do nothing to them. how come its involuntary when i got it dismissed? a big mistake. how come it took so long for it to be dismissed. Everything continued even when i wasnt there I did show up for one meeting. i put a complaint against the lawyer. Mistake again. he called and made note to the car place that he offered chapter 7 and we ran away. We paid our payments up before running away makes no sense.

Asked on 9/22/05, 12:06 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Daren Webber Law Office of Daren A. Webber

Re: Why me?

I am certain I would be able to assist you. But, I have a few questions. For example, why did you choose the Ch. 13 option? Did you own property? Did you have valuable assets?

You can reach me at 347-262-5162


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Answered on 9/22/05, 12:37 pm

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